After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

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After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

How to Play Cacho Dice Game

Cacho is a fast and fun dice game, and is great for camping or a quick family game. You need 5 dice to play. Cacho is similar to Yatzee and Yacht dice games. It takes just a few minutes to get going and play a few games.

Cacho Score Sheet:

You don't need a printed score sheet, as you easily keep score with regular paper and pencil. Each player draws a tic-tac-toe crosshatch shape on his/her paper, to create a score sheet. There are 11 places to write a score on the score sheet. Each turn, you must enter a score (or a 0) into one place. If you have ever played Yatzee, this game is almost the same.

How to Play Cacho:

Players take turns rolling the five dice, to score combinations worth points.

  • On your turn, start by rolling all 5 dice. This is your first roll.
  • Keep as many of the dice as you want, and re-roll any dice you don't wan to keep. This is your second roll.
  • Again, keep as many of the five dice as you want, and re-roll any dice you want to re-roll. This is your third and final roll.
  • Now you must write a score on one of the squares of the score card, even if this means writing a 0 in one of the squares.
  • Pass the dice to the next player. Once everyone has filled his/her score sheet (after 11 turns), the game is over.
  • Total all of your scores and the highest score wins the game.

Scoring Cacho Dice Game:

Scoring Ones, Twos, Threes, Fours, Fives, and Sixes - Total the dice of the target number. For example, if you rolled 3 Fives, you will score 15 Points. 5 Points for each Five (the dice that were not a Five are not scored). Similarly, Ones score 1 Point each, Twos score 2 Points each, ...and Sixes score 6 Points each.

A Straight is all five dice in sequence, either: 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6. A Straight scores 20 Points. If you roll a Straight when you roll all five dice, score 25 Points for your Straight.

A Full House is three of one number and two of another number. For example: 2-2-2-5-5 A Full House scores 30 Points. If you roll a Full-House when you roll all five dice, score 35 Points for your Full House.

Four of a Kind is called a "Poker". You need to roll four of the same number, like: 3-3-3-3-6 A Poker scores 40 Points. If you roll a Poker when you roll all five dice, score 45 Points for your 4 of a Kind.

Five of a Kind is called a "Grande". You need five of the same number, like: 6-6-6-6-6 A Grande scores 50 Points. If you roll a Grande when you roll all five dice, you immediately win the game! You get the 50 Points for two different Grandes, if you are lucky enough to roll 5 of a Kind twice in one game! If you roll a third Grande, you must score it somewhere else on your score sheet, and score it appropriately.

Example Turn in Cacho Dice Game:

  • It is your turn.
  • You roll all five dice and roll: 3-4-5-5-6
  • You consider re-rolling one of the 5s hoping for a 2 to make a Straight (2-3-4-5-6), but instead you decide to for more 5s, so you re-roll three dice and keep the two 5s.
  • You re-roll three dice (keeping 5-5), and get 1-5-4. Now your five dice read: 5-5-5-1-4. You have one more re-roll allowed. You want more 5s, so you re-roll the 1 and 4.
  • Your roll is 6-6, so you end up with 5-5-5-3-6 on your five Cacho dice.
  • You write a score of 15 (5+5+5) for "Fives" on your scoresheet.
  • You now know how to play cacho dice game.

Calling Abajo or Unders in Cacho:

On any dice roll, you can call "Abajo", or "Unders" as you are rolling the dice, while they are still in or just leaving your hand. When the dice come to rest, flip them over, so whatever number ended up on the bottom, is now on top.