After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

Treasure Hunt Map

After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

Dice Games

There are many great dice games you can play at any time. These are some great examples of classic dice games.

Dice games can be played instantly with any number of friends.  You just need a few dice and it is free. Choose a game to play, find some dice and have a great time. 

Cacho and 10,000 Dice Game are great examples of games you can play at any time with any number of players.

You'll need a printer and several dice to play Gladiators Dice Game.  It is the  Dice Game of Medeival Arena Combat.  Gladiators is a totally free dice game.  Gamers love it, Print it for free.  It is created by me.